Month: October 2017

Legal Help in Denver after a Recreation Injury

One of life’s pleasures is our ability to participate in recreational activities during our free time. When we seek fun and enjoyment out of such an activity, sometimes the furthest thing from our mind is the possibility of being injured due to negligence of another. Even if we are aware of certain risks that are involved in a recreational activity, and we have signed a release form or waiver, it does not mean that those providing the service or other participants are void of responsibility. If you have been injured during a recreational activity, it is in your best interest to contact a Denver personal injury attorney to discuss your case and examine your options for recourse.

When participating in a recreational activity such as snow skiing, motocross, jet skiing, whitewater rafting or snowboarding, we expect the teacher or coach that is guiding us to be adequately trained and aware of his duties and responsibilities. We also expect that the property owner has done due diligence to keep his property safe and free from hazards and that the manufacturing company who designed and sold the equipment you use to have distributed safe gear. Just because you may have signed a waiver of liability it does not mean you do not have grounds for compensation if you were injured through the negligence of another. They may still be liable for injuries you incur and for physical harm that can lead to a mountain of medical bills.

Recreational Injury Attorney in Denver
Your initial and wisest step when dealing with a recreation injury is to procure excellent legal counsel. We at Andrus, Hood & Wagstaff have the know-how and determination that you need and expect to recover damages in personal injury cases of all types. Our attorneys are highly skilled and dedicated to your needs and will work hard for the best possible outcome in your case.